If you are the owner of a recreational outdoor activity business, you most likely understand that there are a number of risk exposures that have to be insured against—especially in terms of liability. Often times, outdoors-based businesses will face the risk of others being injured or harmed while on your premises or during an activity organized by your business. Fortunately, there is coverage for recreational business activities.
There are 2 types of Outfitters & Guides programs available depending on the type and size of your activity.
1) Access to a special risk purchasing group program with a reduced minimum premium for outfitter and guide operations A Risk Purchasing Group is a legal entity that allows a group of unassociated businesses with similar risk profiles to join together to take advantage of a joint insurance purchase. The program was established under the Federal Liability Risk Retention Act of 1986.
If you are:​
a) Engaged in select activities such as class I, II III and flat water operations, guided and unguided kayaking, canoeing, SUP, paddling schools, guided hunting and fishing, hiking, backpacking, bicycling, cross-country skiing, s snowshoeing, and non-motorized watercraft/tube rental, mountain biking, rafting, sailing, surfing.
b) Retail exposure coverage available with gross revenue levels up to max $750,000 annually.
c) Have been in business for at least one year or have at least 3 years equivalent experience in the type of activity.
d) General Liability minimum premium $1,050.
e) Equipment Coverage optional
2) A more complex outfitters and guides program specifically tailored to your type and size of business with higher limits; specialized activities, eg Whitewater kayaking; rafting; rock climbing; mountaineering; mountain biking; and many others. Minimum premium generally starts at $1,500.
For questions or a quote please contact Maria at (631)269-9696 or email paddlesports@jacka-Liquori.com